
Frequent Questions

Is it free to join?

Yes! It’s completely free to join and you will have full access to all our events and career support channels.

Are there any requirements to join?

Our community is opened to everyone no matter where they're at on their data journey or where they are on the globe. Whether you're an expert in your field or just getting started. We encourage you to join if you’re unsure so you can better understand what we’re all about!

Is this just a newsletter subscription?

No way! We're an active community coming together through virtual events & our Discord. But there are also regular newsletters if you’re into that.

How often are events hosted?

We have regular monthly event to meet and greet new members, and we also have two game sessions a month. As a global community, we hold events at different times to ensure everyone can attend.

We also have an annual Hackday and various mock interviews and guest speakers on regular basis. Make sure to check out the announcement channel on discord so you don’t miss the next event!

How do I get my resume reviewed?

We do free resume reviews for all our active members! We have a levelling system on our discord and resume review is one of the rewards for our active members. Make sure to anonymize (remove personal and contact details) before you send it in!

For more information, contact a community buddy!

What is a mock interview?

A mock interview is a practice interview where someone imitates a hiring manager and asks interview questions. There are different data professionals at dataxp which understands what hiring managers are looking for.

You can reach out to a community buddy to organise a mock interview. Have the job description of the role you’re applying for ready so we can prepare relevant questions. Our data expert will also go through your answers and how they would have approached the questions.

Who are these community buddies?

Community buddies are a bunch of friendly data nerds that are volunteering their time help members and build our community! Every community buddy is amazing and will help you navigate through discord and in meeting other members.

Ask them anything!