
Welcome to the website of DataXP (referred to in this document as, “we”, “us”, “our”, “DataXP” ). We have adopted the following Terms of Service (“Terms”) which govern your (“you”, “user”,“visitor”, “member”) relationship with us and provide important information about your legal rights.

These Terms explain the rules you need to follow when you use our website https://www.dataxp.ai/  and Discord (“DataXP”). You are requested to read these Terms carefully. All the terms in our Terms and Condition, PrivacyPolicy, and Disclaimer constitute an agreement between you and our website regarding our services. These terms shall apply to you as a user, student, visitor, member, or anyone who has used our services or accessed our website and Discord.

Eligibility for Website and Discord

On our website, we offer all the users to purchase our services that will be delivered digitally. In order to make sure that all the functions of our services should be performed in an orderly manner we will need to collect certain information from our users when they make a purchase through our website. Please know that the information you will provide during the registration process will only be used to provide our services and maintain your account and this information will be collected and managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please note we only offer experience-based learning services and we do not offer any remuneration, compensation, or salary for providing those experience-based tasks.  

For the purpose of our discord, we follow the official rules of discord.com, and all services will be provided in accordance with the official Terms of Service of discord. Discord services are not intended for and should not be used by anyone under the age of thirteen. You represent that you are over the minimum age requirement. You may not accessor use the services for any purpose if the preceding statement is not true. When you join the Discord of DataXP, it will be assumed that the information you have provided while making the official Discord account is true. Therefore, you joining DataXP Discord will be highly dependent on the information you have already provided to Discord.

Copyrights of DataXP

DataXP owns and maintains the copyrights and intellectual property rights of the logos, designs, materials, courses, photographs, trade signals, content, and all data on our website. The only exceptions are the logos of the third-party platform that have been displayed for convenience for our users and such logos may include but are not limited to the logos of social media platforms, services providing platforms, and Discord. This copyright statement is only related to the content and material related to our website. You are not allowed to reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit, display or show our content or anything similar to our content, in whole or in part without written permission from DataXP who are the rightful intellectual property rights owners.

If you have downloaded and used our website, services, program, product, or subscription or otherwise entered into a separate agreement with us you will also be subject to the rules and regulations of that separate agreement, contract, or those terms or conditions, which shall prevail in the event of a conflict. Making any business deals on behalf of our company and website is prohibited unless approved by the owner of DataXP.

Payment Policy

Users will be charged according to our price plan. Payment will be made using third-party payment methods (such as PayPal and Stripe). Please note that the listed fee will be exclusive of taxes and users are required to pay any tax based on their regional policies in addition to our fee.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Since our services are available digitally and online, therefore refunds are only awarded in limitation under certain conditions. Users are requested to contact us within a week of purchasing our services to claim 50% of the paid amount back.

Personal Responsibilities of Members and Users of Website and Discord

By Becoming A Member Of The DataXP And Discord, You Acknowledge And Warrant That:

a.     By submitting to our website, the users or member of DataXP (website/Discord) grant the owner(s),administrators, and moderators the permission to use their work on social media platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) videos, websites, marketing pieces, advertisements, and any other mediums or formats for the purpose of advertising, marketing or promotion purposes.
b.    The posting of copyright content and any other content which is considered the property of someone else is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning.      
c.     While posting your comment sand content on DataXP’s Discord, you must make sure that the content being posted is not spam, is not machine -or randomly- generated, and does not contain unethical or unwanted commercial content designed to drive traffic to third-party sites or boost the search engine rankings of third-party sites, or to further unlawful acts (such as phishing) or mislead recipients as to the source of the material (such as spoofing).
d.    The comments, content, or material you post will not be of pornographic, violent, or sexual nature and they will not contain threats and also, they must not incite violence towards individuals or entities.
e.     Your comments, posts, or other content is not getting advertised via unwanted electronic messages such as spam links on newsgroups, email lists, other chatting platforms, forums and websites, and similar unsolicited promotional methods.
f.      You will not reproduce, duplicate, copy or resell any part of the Discord website or any material available through our website and Discord, save and except to the extent expressly permitted by the owner of DataXP.

g.     You must not use our website and DataXP’s Discord’s server for unlawful purposes and your usage of our Discord must be in accordance with official policies and regulation of the Terms of Service of Discord Inc.

h.    You will not conduct any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or direct or indirect marketing to anyone by any means, or to otherwise spam, communicate with, or market to anyone any goods, services, or business not authorized by us.
i.      You will not upload, host or transmit any viruses, malware, adware, spyware, worms, Trojan horses, keystroke loggers, spyware, logic bombs, time bombs, or any other harmful programs or code which could adversely affect the use or operation of the website, our hardware or systems, or the computers, tablets, phones or other devices of any users or other third parties, or to upload any content or materials containing any such content
j.      You will not in any way communicate with, harm, or attempt to harm any DataXP Discord user or member.

Conduct And Authority Of DataXP

Without limiting any of those representations or warranties, the owner and CEO (or moderator of our Discord)of DataXP have the right to do the following without giving any notice.  
a.     The owner has the right to refuse or remove any content that, in their reasonable opinion, violates any of policy or is in any way harmful or objectionable.
b.    The owner at their own discretion can terminate or deny access to and use of the DataXP Discord to any individual, member, user, or entity for any reason without providing any clarification.
c.     The owner of DataXP can shut down and delete this Discord at any time without warning

Australian Consumer Law (ACL) Compliance

This law protects and regulates consumer rights for citizens of Australia. Please note that nothing provided on our website or Discord’s services will (or attempt to) limit, restrict or modify the rights to a person regarding his/her consumer rights under Australian Consumer Law. All users and consumers of our website have the following rights:(i) they have a right to cancel their services with us; (ii) they have a right to claim a refund for any services that have not been provided to them. Users of our website from Australia are also entitled to be compensated for the services that have not been provided due to unforeseeable situations.


Our website, content, and services are directed towards accurately representing the information provided within the website. By using our website and our services by following any link you are acknowledging that you are participating in your own free will in using our website and using any of our services. You submit, affirm and confirm that you’ll use your own due diligence and judgment before using our website and attaining any services from us. Further, you’ll do the same before relying on any information provided by or through our website.

Services Disclaimer

The information contained on our website has been included after thorough research. However, this information has not been evaluated by any regulator authority. In no shape or event shall we be liable to you for something you assumed and acted on it after reading the information through our website or discord. We will not be held liable for any loss or damage that you may have suffered after relying on any information on our website/discord. The customer, client, or the buyer of our services must discern any risk before on their own before investing their time and effort into their ideas. By using our services the user, customer, client, or buyer hereby indemnify us from all future claims, lawsuits, legal procedures, criminal liabilities, and any other legal action.

Rendering Of Services Disclaimer

All information provided will be held confidential and we will not disclose the information to anyone, except other than we’ve described in our Privacy Policy or where the disclosure of the information is required by the state or federal law. We use the best methods to protect and cover all security protocols throughout our sessions. However, there may be potential risks involved in providing services through electronic means. There may be delays in services due to the malfunction of internet services. Furthermore, there may be other challenges that are of technical nature of which we may not have any control over. We will not be liable to anyone in case of such disruption which is caused by interruption of technology that is beyond our control.  

Disputes and Resolution

Any dispute arising from these Terms shall be resolved through mediation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through mediation, then the dispute will be resolved through binding arbitration conducted in accordance with the rules of the legal system of the Australian Civil Procedure Code.


If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal, and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable parts had not been included in these Terms.

Governing Laws

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia, to the exclusion of other state laws and without any regard to its conflicts of law’s provisions. Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be filed with the courts of New South Wales. All users party hereby consents to the jurisdiction of said courts and waives any objection which they may have at any time to the jurisdiction of such courts, the laying of venue in such courts, or the convenience of the forum.

Changes and Amendments in Terms of Service

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace our Terms (and any other document on our website) at any time. The users are encouraged to visit the Terms of Service page regularly to keep themselves informed of new modifications or updates. What is deemed a material and immaterial change shall be within the discretion of the website.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding the Terms of Service of DataXP you may contact us at info@dataxp.ai